In Ask Network we recognise that prayer can be fuelled by accurate information. The following sites offer information which you may find helpful, but Ask Network cannot take responsibility for the accuracy or content of these external sites.
ASKing for the UK
Christians in Parliament is an official all party group with a clear vision to encourage and support all Christians who work at Westminster, whether elected or not.
CARE provides resources and helps to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives in the UK and internationally.
The Christian Institute provides news items and resources on topics of national interest to Christians in the UK
Christian Concern for our Nation is an organisation that exists to serve the Church by providing information to enable Christians to stand up publicly against a tide of unchristian legal and political changes in the UK.
Prayer-Alert is a Christian initiative to encourage, envision and mobilise prayer across the British Isles and Ireland. It is a partnership project of the Prayer Forum of the British Isles and Ireland.
24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice with a specific area on their site focussing on the UK
The World Prayer Centre, Birmingham has a national and international focus, with days of prayer and on-line updates on what is going on around the country and beyond.
Global Day of Prayer London encourages prayer for the nation.
Prayer for Scotland calls for prayers for the nation of Scotland.
Prayer for Wales exists with the sole purpose of raising prayer within Wales and inviting prayer from other nations in partnership with us until the glory of God is seen again in our land.
Prayer for Schools encourages prayer for every school in the nation.
ASKing for Europe
24-7 prayer has information to fuel prayer for the nations of Europe
Hope for Europe is an umbrella of networks, partnerships and alliances aiming to promote the hope of Jesus Christ in European life and society
PrayEurope encourages prayer to ignite revival in Europe and Russia
Prayercast has information to pray for each nation compiled by believers in that nation.
ASKing for the Nations
Open Doors offers a wealth of information to encourage prayer for the nations.
Release International seeks to serve the persecuted church across the world.
Transworld Radio uses media to reach the world for Christ.
Operation World offers information to pray for each nation of the world.
The Joshua Project highlights the needs of unreached people groups across the globe.