ASK Network is a growing movement of people of all ages and from all walks of life who have a common longing to pray for their communities and nations, particularly by ‘looking intently’ (James 1:25) into God’s will as it is set out in the Bible and praying that his will would be done.
Currently we have contacts in a number of European nations who are ASKing God for their families, churches, and governments, and who receive the monthly ASKING Matters UK & EUROPE newsletter. If you come from a European nation and would like to receive the newsletter, click on the newsletter button at the bottom of the page. Our vision is that as the network grows, so each nation will eventually develop its own mailing list, send out a national newsletter, hold its own events, and add its own web pages relating to all these things.
If you are excited by this vision and would like to be involved in the development of ASK in your nation, please contact us.
ASK Literature is currently available in French and Spanish as well as English.
ASKing Point -praying for Europe - a new Reformation?
ASKing Point - praying for refugees
1st European ASK Network Gathering, Ohrid Macedoina, Sept 2015 - Report
2nd European ASK Network Conference, Nice, France, 26-29 September 2017 .
Letter from European Directors April 2020
Praying for the Nations of Europe in 2024
Why not join us once a month on Fridays at 07.00 GMT on Zoom to pray for these nations. For more information, please get in touch via the Contact Us button on the main menu.