Who we are

Gathering all generations to pray for all nations ... ASKing God to do what only He can do, and doing whatever He ASKs of us.

ASK Network UK is part of an international network of people called and committed to intercession and intervention -- that's to say asking and acting, praying and going.

Do you want to live a more prayerful life? Would you like to see more prayer in your community? Do you want to see godly justice established in our land? Are you willing to do whatever He ASKs you?

Then please explore our site to find out more about us.


ASK News

Praying for the nationsPraying for the nations

Each week we are praying for a nation or theme within Europe. You can download information here. If you would like to join us for our once a month Zoom prayer call for the European nations then please contact us for more information using the "Contact us" button on the left.


International ASKing PointInternational ASKing Point

God is at work in the younger generations in Europe. Let's pray for their salvation and growth in faith.



Who we areWho we are

Gathering all generations to pray for all nations ... ASKing God to do what only He can do, and doing whatever He ASKs of us.

ASK Network UK is part of an international network of people called and committed to intercession and intervention -- that's to say asking and acting, praying and going.

Do you want to live a more prayerful life? Would you like to see more prayer in your community? Do you want to see godly justice established in our land? Are you willing to do whatever He ASKs you?

Then please explore our site to find out more about us.



Pray for European nations on Zoom
Next Meeting: 21st February 2025
Every Friday until 24th April 2026
ASK Network



Give to ASK UK?

Our work is totally funded by donations. If you'd like to support the work, please use the button.



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