Articles On Prayer


Asking with the Word

ASKing with the Word - God’s idea about prayer
The Bible contains many injunctions to ASK: Ask me . . . ASK for the nations . . . ASK and it will be given to you . . . ASK the Lord of the harvest . . . I will do whatever you ASK. . .
The Bible does not teach us there is one "right" way to ask. However, we often find people asking with the words of others recorded in scripture. David prayed Moses’ words. Jonah prayed David’s words. Jesus prayed David’s words too. All of these knew that ASKing with the Word of God is powerful. Hebrews 4:12-13, 2 Corinthians 10:4-6
How do we ASK?
There are many ways to ask but Ephesians 6:17-18 says this: Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
• Take the helmet of salvation. Once we have experienced salvation in Jesus, there is a new protection available for our minds. We can even have the mind of Christ. So when you begin to pray ask the Spirit to help you not to think just with your own mind but also to have increased understanding from Him.
• Take the sword of the Spirit. In the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6 the sword is the only offensive weapon. The helmet, breastplate, belt, shield and shoes are all defensive. The Sword, the word of God, is only weapon we need. Jesus was described as the Word become flesh. That is how powerful the Word is.
• Pray in the Spirit. We rely on the Holy Spirit, and not just on our own understanding. We ask Him to give us revelation and understanding. Also we can pray in the Spirit displaying the fruit of the Spirit and using the gifts of the Spirit.
Taking Time To ASK With the Word
Spend as much time as you can exalting the character of God. Declare His Name. Worshiping God accomplishes these things:
• Bring pleasure to God
• Prepares our hearts for prayer
• Increases our faith in the One we are ASKing.
• Confronts all powers with who God is
• Acknowledges who it is who answers prayer
Our ASKing could also be called listening prayer. God desires to speak to us. He does this through His Word and by His Spirit. Prayerfully select a passage from the Bible then meditate on it allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth:
• Read the passage at least once
• Look at the context of the passage for understanding
• Continue to read it until something gets your attention
• Wait quietly until God gives you greater understanding
• Allow God to reveal things out of His Word to you
• Make note of any other scripture the Holy Spirit brings to mind
• Ponder the meaning of what you have discerned
• Share with any others with you what God has given you
The Holy Spirit led you to the right passage to listen to God; now He may have laid on your heart a burden for prayer. If you are not aware of that having happened, then ASK God what is on His heart for you to pray. Then:
• Seek to understand what the Word says about your focus.
• Consider what your meditation has revealed about it
• Start to pray through the Word point by point
• If you are with others listen to their prayers carefully
• Continue to pray the Word until you have discharged it
God may show you some things you need to respond to. Often when God shows you something out of the Word to pray for others He will also require something of you. He may just want a heart response but He may also want you to take action and become an answer to your own ASKing
Finish by thanking God that:
• He is the only One who can answer prayer.
• He does answer our ASKing


8 Lessons on Biblical Meditation & Prayer in PDF

Lesson 1 Introduction
Lesson 2 Praise and Worship
Lesson 3 Definition of Biblical Meditation
Lesson 4 Context in Biblical Meditation
Lesson 5 Hearing God
Lesson 6 Response to Biblical Meditation
Lesson 7 Prayer Target
Lesson 8 Authority in Biblical Meditation

Lots more resources can be found at the international web site.

Praying for Missionaries


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